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Pressure to legalise killing of whales!!

As our Whale watching industry prepares for the new season, so proponents far from the Southern Ocean are gearing up to push through a proposal to re-instate commercial whaling. Are some people’s traditions impacting negatively on our collective bio-diversity?

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Ronaldo’s World Cup kit: 1 shirt = 8 plastic bottles

Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho, along with players from 9 international teams, will take to the field in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa wearing shirts made from recycled plastic bottles. A Green Goal for Nike....

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Climate Change: World Leaders, Big Business, You and I!!!

The Climate Change Symposium in Somerset West last week reflects the growing interest by business and community leaders in the potential risks of Climate Change. Tasneem Essop of World Wildlife Fund (SA) was invited to report back on her experience of COP 15. GEOPOLITICS TRIUMPHED OVER SCIENCE is a four word summary of the outcome.

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Green Resolutions for 2010 or the 3 R’s re- visited.

2010 is not just another year, it is the start of the Second Decade of the 21st Century. Join the move to make this the Decade of Living Responsibly. Our lifestyles have to stop costing the Earth - we have no Planet B. Read about the 3 Eco-Rs below and email us your Green Resolutions for 2010. We will publish them on our Resolutions List.

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A Shark Spotter’s Story

Shark Spotters have become shark ambassadors and are a local tourist attraction in their own right. It is definitely more than just a job for Monwabisi. He explains that since working on the shark spotter's team, his attitude to nature has changed. “Now I like and respect animals,” he says, “we need them”.

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”Why don’t the Greenhouse gases escape through the Ozone Hole?”

The good news is that the Ozone Hole has stabilized and is slowly closing. The concerted international action to stop the emission of ozone damaging chemicals is a success story with a positive message for Greenhouse Gas emissions and Climate Change...

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