
Watched by Whales – off Simon’s Town

While heading toward Windmill Beach the same three whales suddenly appeared in front of us - almost as if they had been waiting for us to catch up. One ‘chased’ after the lead paddler who immediately paddled back to join the group while the other two whales made their presence known by surfacing close by and gently `herding' us. “Is this what it is like to be in a bait ball?” someone asked. For those of you who shared this special encounter or anyone who has had a similar experience: What do you think? Please comment and share your understanding or feelings about encounters with whales.

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Director of Municipal Valuations, Mr. Christopher Gavor, will address a meeting on April 15 2010 at the Minor Hall, Fish Hoek Civic Centre from 19h30 to clarify issues which ratepayers may have to with respect to the valuation of their properties. Objections close on 30th April 2010. Late objections will not be allowed.

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Protect your house from veld fires

In the case of a runaway wildfire, it is the wind blown embers and sparks gaining entry through open windows, air vents and small gaps between roof sheeting and walls or through openings in the eaves that are the main danger to your home....

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Shark Fever or Fear?

Apart from mankind’s odd fixation on horror films, nothing has quite gripped our fears and dark fantasies, as the sound of John William’s ….Dum. Dum, Dum, Dum soundtrack...

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Could Trek Fishermen protect swimmers?

A number of regular swimmers at Fish Hoek have commented that the Trek Fishermen, with their experience of the sea, could be part of the solution of reducing the risk to swimmers at Fish Hoek of an encounter with a shark. What do you feel about this initiative?

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Use Fish Hoek Beach parking money for FH.

Simon's Town has begun to charge for parking at Jubilee Square and the money is used locally. Has Simon's Town pointed a way for Fish Hoek? Could a relevant town improvement organisation in Fish Hoek reclaim some part of the Beach entry money, to be used for local (especially beach) improvements? Harold

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