Articles on health and fitness by practitioners serving Fish Hoek, Muizenberg, Simon’s Town, Kalk Bay, St James, Kommetjie, Noordhoek, Ocean View, Masiphumelele, Glencairn and Clovelly
Experiential Retreat 19- 21 October
Join a retreat facilitated by Robyn Lewis to find those unused parts, in yourself and in your organisations. The Hearth & Soul Eco-farm, in the Overberg, amidst an expanse of fynbos, wetlands and mountains, offers a stillness and spaciousness in which to explore the connections between land, sea, city and self.
Fish Hoek Life Coach Barbara Shepherd writes about the princile of emptiness
I seem to be helping people de-clutter their homes more and more – usually this happens when people are moving and often it is seniors who are going to a smaller place.
The ones who take the moving the hardest and are the most stressed about it, are people who are very attached to their possessions and/or very resistant to change.
Livifem Resurrected
“As you know Livifem disappeared without warning, virtually overnight almost six months ago. This caused panic among thousands of women who had been on it for years.
They rightly castigated the departing supplier Adcock Ingram on the internet.
Did anybody care? What’s all the fuss, it’s only a pill my dear.”
Finding your Joy: 5
“There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and wanting more, but let’s not forget the simple pleasures in life, for if we do, we may find ourselves ending up with less – not more.”
When the seesaw tips
“We are the parents now in so many ways, the executors and the advocates, the decision makers, accountants and the schedulers. We no longer act like children with our parents. The seesaw has tipped. And there are many days we grapple with the enormity of that.” For Lee Woodruff”s heart-rending article about her family’s experience with “the meanest junkyard dog of un-curable diseases, Alzheimers” see
Finding your Joy: 4
Ask yourself just one question: “Are you willing to live in the survival mode again this year?” If not, now is the time to examine your life, decide what you want it to be, and set your intentions to make it so. You MUST truly desire to NOT be at the whim of society, but to co-create within it the life that you want. It is the start of a new year, a perfect time to change your attitude and be victorious.
Finding your Joy: 3
“My mind stopped racing and I knew I had found my answer − even while I had some shadows in my life, I still had sunbeams.”
Finding your Joy: 2
Being in this blissful stage now also allows me to focus more on what is important in my life: family, friends, my writing, life coaching and enjoying nature. I look at life these days as a challenge – I don’t expect things to stay calm or perfect in any way – it would be nice I suppose, but we would not learn anything from it.
Finding your joy
When we are young, happiness and joy are able to spring spontaneously from inside, unencumbered by disappointment or fear, but as we get older, this spontaneity is not so easy to experience. So what happens to our youthful joy, where does it go?
For the first in our series of articles by Life Coach Barbara Shepherd titled “REBUILDING YOUR LIFE ONE STEP AT A TIME” see
With the summer holidays soon upon us we thought you would be interested in the following articles.
ABC of Malaria
By Dr Malcolm Henry, MBChB (Hons) (UCT) B.Pharm (Rhodes) Member of SASTM (South African Society Of Travel Medicine) Medicross Fish Hoek
Malaria is a common and potentially severe disease that is endemic in more than 100 countries worldwide. It is estimated that more than 125 million international travellers visit these countries every year, many of whom fall ill with malaria while in these countries and more than 10 000 fall ill on returning home. Read further on
Hepatitis A
By Dr. Kayleen Kow (Mbchb, Diploma In Travel Medicine, Atls Instructor)
What is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis can be described as an inflammation of the liver and can be further classified as acute or chronic. It has many varied causes, namely infectious, alcohol, poison or drug-induced and is associated with other conditions such as pregnancy and cardiac failure.
The focus of this article is mainly on the viral causes of Hepatitis, in particular Hepatitis A.