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New Study finds Public Support for Great White Sharks even after Attack

The first survey conducted before and after a shark attack found that public support for great white sharks was virtually unchanged. Results show a public much more sophisticated at understanding shark attacks than previously thought.

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Track the Tagged Great White Sharks on Ocearch Website

It is now possible to follow the tracks of the 34 great white sharks tagged for research as part of the Ocearch Expedition by going onto a dedicated website. The only tagged shark in the False Bay area at the moment is a male shark named Madiba - I kid you not.

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Tracks of Giants – Hippos are NOT Hot Favourites!

The chased hippo mad with fear almost fell over our woodpile as it thundered between where Johnny and Dr. Ian were sleeping. I pulled myself into the fetal position waiting for an impact which thank goodness never came.

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Princess the Leopard Toad is a survivor with a big message.

She had a broken leg & dislocated wrist and the vet was not hopeful. The story of Princess the Leopard Toad is one of surviving the challenges facing WLTs & of people who care.

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Fracking the Karoo Decision Time. Will short term profit win?

Minister Shabangu will make her decision on shale gas exploration in the Karoo soon, but who is winning the debate on fracking in South Africa?

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Volunteer to save the Western Leopard Toad and have fun.

Leopard Toad volunteers contribute to citizen science and help save a charismatic animal that is an important part of the South Peninsula biodiversity.

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