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Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting for GEESE held on 25th March

Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting for GEESE held on Sunday 25th March at 5pm in St Andrew’s Church, 73 Glen Road, Glencairn      1.   Welcome & Apologies - The Chairman, Rupert Bromley, welcomed some 40 members of GEESE […]

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Little Crake in Silvermine wetlands at Clovelly update

“What will happen to this little bird? Will it find its way back north at some point?” The question was posed by one of our readers following our article about thearrival of the Little Crake in Clovelly, the first-ever sighting  […]

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Extraordinary image of Little Crake at Silvermine wetlands in Clovelly

Yesterday, Friday 23 March, while observing the Little Crake at Clovelly wetlands I had the pleasure of meeting Basie van Zyl, Fine Artist and Outdoor Photographer. In conversation with him I discovered that he is not immune to spending two […]

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First sighting of Little Crake in Southern Africa at Clovelly wetlands

Clovelly wetlands have been abuzz with twitchers arriving to view the first Little Crake ever seen in Southern Africa.

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Young Whale Shark washed onto rocks near Kommetjie 18 March 2012

Local surfers were first on the scene today at about 10:40am (Sunday 18th March 2012) when a 2.5m whale shark was discovered beached on the rocks at the Soetwater recreation area between Scarborough and Kommetjie.

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Genetically Modified crops in SA – Letter of caution to friends.

GM Maize and GM Soya are present in a lot of food in South Africa. What are Genetically modified food crops and why are they a health risk and a threat to food security?

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