Chapman's Peak toll Plaza discussions Read background and objections to toll plaza below or go to 16 February update at:

Excavation started today, 30 January, in preparation for construction of the proposed new Chapman’s Peak toll plaza.  MEC for Transport, Robin Carlisle’s authorization of the construction flies in the face of a number of community initiatives to get the decisions to build the controversial toll plaza reviewed.  “What is the rush?” asks Terry Weiner, a spokesperson for CRAG (Civil Rights Action Group).  Why are a host of genuine community interests being bulldozed aside and construction starting before the all the approvals are in place?  The TMNP land required for the toll plaza still needs to be excised by Parliament.  Surely to start construction, albeit within the road reserve, implies that Parliament which needs to de-proclaim the land from the TMNP is simply rubber stamping someone else’s decision.  This can not be fair administrative practice nor a legal procedural sequence.  I find it plain scary!!

Other questions posed by CRAG at a press conference on site this morning include:

1 Show us that tolling Chapman’s Peak is necessary for the viability of the Drive.

2 If so we need guarantees of an affordable concession for local commuters.

3 We need our emergency service vehicles excluded from paying a toll.  Currently police, ambulances, fire fighters etc have to pay to use Chapman’s Peak Drive. 

4 If the Drive needs to be tolled, then use new technology which has a low impact.  Why go with an old system that includes a huge toll plaza?  

Photo on LHS: members of both CRAGS and the Xorana Royal House discuss concerns about the toll plaza while Chapman’s Peak broods in the background.  It was clear that people at the meeting felt strongly that tolling Chapman’s Peak was not about addressing transport or community needs but is rather about privatizing a National asset and creating a business opportunity for private gain.  In another version of `Follow the Money’ Sam Pellissier, CRAG mediator, said “Take the Money off our Mountain.”  He was supported by spokespeople for the Xorana Royal House representing the aboriginal Khoisan community of Hout Bay who hold the Sentinel and Chapman’s Peak to be sacred sites. 

Chapman's Peak toll plaza documents g 400They voiced concerns that many of us share: The issue of affordable access between Hout Bay and the Far South Peninsula.  The belief that Chapman’s Peak `range’ is a particularly special part of our Natural Heritage and will be negatively impacted by a toll plaza out of scale with the need and the natural environment.  They asked rather pertinently why SANParks had granted in principal approval for the land to be used as a toll plaza for big business, but would not consider granting the Xorana land on The Sentinal. 

The tolling of Chapman’s Peak Drive and the proposed toll plaza has a long and complex history and is apparently tied to bad decisions and possibly corruption at the time when the original contracts for privatization of the maintenance of Chapman’s Peak Drive were signed.  Why with a new MEC and a new Premier are we still carrying this burden?  If these contracts were drawn up to favour business interests rather than community and road users needs then why was Helen Zille reported on Cape Talk this morning as saying that she supports the need for the tolling of Chapman’s Peak and for the toll plaza?  

Photo on LHS: Representatives of community organisations claim that in spite of the many volumes of technical documents community concerns are not adequately addressed.  chapman's Peak toll plaza excavation starts g 250


For an upade on meetings with Province, Murray & Roberts and Entilini held on 16  February and comittment by PGWC to look at alternatives go to:

 The Hout Bay Residents Association is investigating a range of options including legal action and CRAG is initiating ongoing public awareness actions. A comprehensive factual response to approval of the toll plaza has been sent to the Premier.   If you do not support the way the tolling of Chapman’s Peak Drive is being managed or the need for the proposed toll plaza, then consider signing the petition below.



Included below is a letter to the Scenic South from Ward 61 Councillor, Simon Liell-Cock

Dear Viv,   As chairman of the Far South Peninsula Community Forum I was involved in the Chapmans Peak issue from the start but, once the issue of the toll at Noordhoek was dropped, the FSPCF ceased to be an interested party.    As a result I have not been involved in this issue for some years and do not think I have the necessary insight into the issue to provide informed comment.   For what it is worth here is my understanding:-

1 – There is a long history which includes corruption, cronyism and bad decisions which predate the Murray and Roberts and the current MEC.

2 – It is accepted that the road will be tolled,

3 – It is accepted that there will be a toll plaza and some support buildings for staff and monitoring equipment,

4 – The scale of the support buildings appear to exceed the requirements,

5 – The plaza will be an eyesore and therefore degrade the natural scenic beauty of the drive and reduce the value of Cape Town’s natural assets which are critical for our tourism industry,

5 – The community want the MEC to prevent Entilini from building the Plaza as currently proposed.

 If my understanding is correct then the questions that need to be answered are:

1 – Is the plaza as currently proposed excessively large for the requirements?

2 – Will the plaza be an eyesore (with all the associated negative effects)?

3 –  Does the MEC have the authority to prevent the building of the Plaza as currently proposed and if so

4 – What will be the consequences be if he does?  

 If we had these answers (with the necessary backup facts and without the emotions) then we would be able to arrive at a logical and reasonable conclusion.


Simon Liell-Cock

For further back ground information on the Chapman’s Peak toll plaza go to: