Do you have the Courage 2 B Cool for the Earth and for the future of humanity?   Courage to be Cool is a slogan that we are promoting on our website to encourage a value system that moves away from worshiping stuff to valuing people and the natural environment.  And we need POSITIVE ROLE MODELS who can lead the way.  Daily news about the human impact on our one and only Earth can be daunting and immobilizing - but there are people doing amazing things and demonstrating the power of the human spirit.

We have been brainwashed into believing that excessive materialism is the justifiable reward for enterprising endeavor and hard work – and that the economy depends on it.  “And anyway people with stuff have  status – they’re cool.”   But, does keeping up with, or surpassing the Jones’s really make us better people?  Are we, are you, happier surrounded by all the stuff we have to insure, house, maintain and upgrade? 

What is certain is that we are using the Earth’s Capital at an unsustainable rate and polluting essential-to-life services such as water, air, the sea and farmland. 

 Nature needs 2 B Cool 2.  On an international level role models like Lewis Pugh – the Human Polar Bear and Ric O’Barry of The Cove have gone to extraordinary lengths and shown incredible courage to raise awareness.    To use Lewis’s slogan, “It is time to Believe”. We can individually make a difference.  Every time you and I make choices to reduce our impact on the Earth, to be Earth Cool rather than branded Cool  – that also takes Courage.  

 It is time to showcase the people in our community who have the `Courage 2 B Cool’The Scenic South website will be showcasing locals who stand up for the Earth, who defend Nature’s right to life and who promote living lightly (sustainably). We welcome recommendations and comments from readers about having the `Courage 2 B Cool’.  
