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Checklist of how NOT to attract baboons.

Easy access to food is the main reason that baboons target built up areas in the South Peninsula of Cape Town. Look at this checklist to find out if your property is attractive to baboons and if so what you can do...

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Local action for global change – invite 10/10/10 party.

People of all ages and all cultures worldwide are teaming up to take part in the biggest-ever day of positive action on Climate Change. When: Sunday 10 October 2010. Join a local 350.org event or host your own - wake decision-makers up to dealing with global warming.

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If baboons could write what would they write of mankind!!

By now the baboons of `William the Conqueror’s' Troop, Scarborough must realize that he is not coming back!! Many of us want to live in this beautiful part of the world but sadly too many of us don’t want to be inconvenienced by our wild neighbours.

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